Sunday, February 22, 2009

Questions for Discussion: Chapter 2

Questions for Discussion . . . Chapter 2

1) Is your church currently an Either/Or church? Which end of the Either/Or spectrum is it on?

2) What is good about falling on one end of the Either/Or spectrum? What is not so good about it?

3) Has your youth ministry already adopted a Both/And approach to ministry? If so, what sort of response did you get from parents, other pastors, your church or your community: Support? Raised eyebrows? Out and out resistance? If not, what sort of response might you expect?

4) What do you think it would take for your youth group to become a Both/And youth group? For your church to become a Both/And church?

5) What would Both/And ministry look like in your town/suburb/city? Where do you see poverty, oppression, suffering, etc? More importantly, where do your kids see it?

6) How close is the American church to fulfilling Perkins’ vision of the gospel? What will it take for us to get there?

1 comment:

  1. It is so difficult to make this transition. We were a moderate either or and have been actively pursuing being a both/and. But both/and requires a level of grace, maturity, personal spirituality, that is often in shortage.

    Our ministry vision statement is simple
    Following Jesus, Engaging People. Both!

    In youth ministry it always comes down to parents who get upset when you reach into the community and connect with those who don't follow Jesus, because it brings with it messiness and darn it, they are giving their money and their kids are priority.

    In adult ministry, the practice of engaging people (with or without obvious need) is so difficult in our privatized culture.

    Fear, fear, fear, fear
